Yes! I love that you're discussing this. Calling myself a "people pleaser" sure sounded a lot more pleasing than a "manipulator" haha, but it was actually very helpful for me to realize that's exactly what I was. While I can have compassion for myself and others who have used this self-protecting behavior, I also see now the harm it does to everyone involved. I've gotten to a place where I'd rather know the harsh truth than be told what someone thinks I want to hear.

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Glad to hear you're both understanding yourself better and forgiving yourself for not being perfect! You're so right, we people pleasers deserve compassion but we don't need to be told that we can do no wrong. Everyone engages in little bits of manipulation sometimes, and the key is to become aware and try to avoid it as much as possible. I like loving my whole self, flaws and all.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Lindsey Weedston

Thank you Lindsey, really enjoyed this piece 💕🙏

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